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Time to Take it All Down

December 26 is the day I take down the Christmas tree. All of the holiday decorations are sorted and stored away. I like to inventory...

Make the Most of Every Opportunity

A great man died this week. As the world said goodbye, God’s name was spoken and heaven was named as his destination. This all happened...

What's your Story?

Here’s mine: I was raised going to church. I ate my share of graham crackers in Sunday School. My mother often asked my older siblings...

Do you Jesus Jingle?

Here's one of the originals. Somebody out there may need this today. I know I've sung it over and over to remind myself that God is...

Why Does a Leaf Beg to be Picked Up?

My mom picks up autumn leaves. She has collected hundreds of them. The pages of old hymnals are packed with them. Beautiful once, they...

Ode to the Circus Peanut

As Halloween approaches, let us consider the circus peanut. You know it…that orange peanut-shaped, sort of banana-flavored marshmallow...

Just a Trim, Please

My brother and I were always getting into some kind of trouble together. We were just 15 months apart in age. Earl usually had the idea...

What are Jesus Jingles?

Just like advertising jingles use hooks and meaning to promote a product, Jesus Jingles use familiar songs and nursery rhyme tunes paired...

Which Way does the Door Swing?

I stand at the door and knock... (Revelation 3:20) Which way does the door swing? Well, obviously, in. My front door swings in. Jesus...

The Love of a Grandparent

They told me grandparenthood was the BEST. I believed what they said. I could make sense of that in my head, but I couldn’t feel the...

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